Thursday 30 June 2011

Church-based sex crimes ... also in Iceland

Thanks to SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests,  for this:

"No institution can police itself, especially not an ancient, rigid, secretive, all-male monarchy like the Catholic Church, which has a horrific track record of committing and concealing heinous child sex crimes.
It is crucial that victims, witnesses and whistleblowers speak up. However, it is clear that they should come forward to secular authorities, not church authorities.
Apologies from bishops are meaningless. Actions, not words, protect children.
We call on Iceland's bishop to immediately and publicly oust and identify all proven, admitted and credibly accused child molesting clerics. He should also post on his website the names and whereabouts of all such predators who ever lived or worked in Iceland as well.

(SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, is the world's oldest and largest support group for clergy abuse victims. We've been around for 23 years and have more than 10,000 members. Despite the word "priest" in our title, we have members who were molested by religious figures of all denominations, including nuns, rabbis, bishops, and Protestant ministers. Our website is"

 Here is a link to an article in "The Reykjavik Grapevine"  

And a quote:

"Vísir now reports that Catholic Bishop of Iceland Pétur Bürcher has publicly apologised to the victims of sexual abuse at the hands of Catholic priests or other staff, and asks for their forgiveness. In so doing, he said, he is following the example of Pope Benedict XVI, who issued a similar statement not too long ago."

I also linked to this on Facebook, and this is what I wrote there: "When will they realize that apologies are not enough? As a Catholic child, I learned that forgiveness via confession only "worked" if you truly realized what you had done wrong and promised never to do it again. But maybe that only applies to children, and not to clergy?"


  1. Jeg takker for fin kommentar, og at du følger meg videre! I disse tunge dager er det virkelig godt å vite at mennesker der ute står på min side, og at vi sammen kan klare å skape en forandring.

    Det er meg en stor sorg å kunne meddele at jeg idag fikk vite via lokal avisen at to liv er gått tapt etter at Helse Fonna skrev dem ut. Disse to livene kunne vært reddet om de bare hadde fått verdig behandling i systemet som er opprettet for å hjelpe dem.

  2. Merete Isabell - jeg skal lenke til innlegget ditt i "Ansvarsbloggen" min:

    så fort jeg får tid - det er så viktig å få fram informasjon om at slike overgrep skjer den dag i dag.

    Og jeg jobber med en artikkel om "gjentakelsestvang" - som jeg mener er en årsak til at denslags systemvold er godtatt i helsevesenet (men det er en mulig forklaring, ikke noen unnskyldning): Yrkeshjelpere som har fortrengt sin egen sårbarhet, hjelpeløshet og smerte, fikser ikke sårbarhet, hjelpeløshet og smerte - og som en tvangshandling må de kontrollere, straffe og kue det når de ser det hos helsekundene sine - slik de selv ble straffet og kuet da de var sårbare og hjelpeløse.

    Ta en kikk her:

    Fra denne synsvinkelen er det slik at de sidene ved oss selv som vi benekter, lever sitt eget liv ... det er bare så forjævli at hjelpevesener synes å mene at de er objektive når de benekter sin egen sårbarhet og ubevisst straffer og skader de sårbare kundene sine.


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