Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Link to: “Parental Alienation Syndrome"

Thanks again to Sigrun for linking this in her blog.

 Enda en takk til Sigrun, som nylig har lagt ut mange interessante lenker i sin blogg.

This argument was used, without the syndrome name, in an incest trial I attended here in Norway in the late 80s ... with the added "evidence" that all the feminists following the trial, of whom I was one, were rabid man-haters who had helped brainwash small children into saying that "daddy puts his weenie in my butt".
    The accused were acquitted.
    At the time I was hoping that things would get better. I'm not sure they have - and I appreciate everything professionals do to stem the tide of ignorance about child mistreatment.

by Paula J. Caplan, Ph.D:  Another Alarming DSM-5 Proposal

In Does Committing Rape Mean You Are Mentally Ill?, Kaplan writes about the DSM:

"I served as an advisor to two committees for the current edition and was appalled by how unscientific was the process of deciding, in essence, who is normal and what are the varieties of "abnormality" or "mental disorder." As an insider, I saw in spine-chilling detail the ways that poor science was used when it suited those in charge and the ways that good research was distorted, ignored, or even lied about when that suited them. This wouldn't matter so much, were it not for the vast suffering that being psychiatrically labeled has occasioned for so many. ( And yes, getting a label gets your insurance to pay for your therapy, but we should find a way to make it possible to get therapy paid for without having to label all suffering people mentally ill. There are ways to do that, and perhaps I will write about that in the future, but that will not change any time soon."

Here's a link to Paula Kaplan's blog.

Litt på norsk:

Du kan finne mer om "parental alienation syndrome" fra mange forskjellige synsvinkler ved å gugle "foreldrefremmedgjøring". Som beskrivelsen av "en pervers trekant" i "Inspirasjonstorget"  : "PAS er beskrevet som pervers trekant og blitt likestilt med et alvorlig familiedrama innen psykologien. PAS opptrer vanligvis etter en separasjon og det er moren som er blitt gjort ansvarlig for PAS. De første empiriske studiene viser at fenomenet er rettet mot menn. Professor RA Gardners oppdagelse er blitt godtatt av barnefaglig sakkyndige og ved familiedomstoler. PAS har i flere tilfeller blitt nevnt i domsavsigelser og brukt som begrunnelse for at mor er blitt fratatt omsorgen."

Uten at denne betegnelsen ble brukt, var tankegangen med på å oppnå frifinnelse i en incest-rettssak på 80-tallet. Som tilleggsbevis ble det framholdt at jeg og de andre feministene som fulgte saken var rabiate mannehatere som hadde vært med på å hjernevaske småbarn til å si at "pappa stikker tissen sin i rumpa mi". 

Den gangen hadde jeg et håp om at blindsonen ville bli mindre og forsvinne til slutt.

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