Saturday, 3 May 2014

Introducing Oglaf

Some tweets about a muse reminded me of this:

your muse has been stealing ideas

And this:

is there a 'least dramatic fight scene' award?

Here is some information about the creators:
"This comic started as an attempt to make pornography. It degenerated into sex comedy pretty much immediately. Even so, there are some things depicted that are best kept away from children and work. Please click on the button below to certify you're over 18. Of course, if you areunder 18, you can't legally certify anything. So if you're a minor, please get a parent to click the button which says you aren't. Thank you. (Taking moral advice from cartoon characters is probably a bad idea.)"
— opening disclaimer
Oglaf is an often seriously NSFW webcomic by Trudy Cooper and Doug Bayne. Most of the episodes (called "stories") are single non-sequential pages, though some stretch out longer; the very first one was eight pages long. The comic started out as a gag-a-week work, but slowly started including longer Story Arcs, most of the time focusing on Ivan and his never-ending torment at the hands of Mistress and Sandoval, the Ambassador of Xoan. These arcs appear to be (very) slowly coming together into a single overarching plot.

There is even an Oglaf Wiki:

Two more stories that are SFW:

Labyrinth 2

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