Thursday, 15 March 2012

Kristof: Viral Video, Vicious Warlord

I follow NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF on Facebook, and I'd like to share an article of his:

It begins like this: 

I’d like to thank the makers of the “Kony 2012” video for goading me to write about Joseph Kony. With about 100 million views, it is now one of the most viral videos of all time.  My starting point is a “bravo” for film-makers for galvanizing young Americans to look up from their iPhones and seek to make a difference for villagers in central Africa who continue to be murdered, raped and mutilated by Kony and his Lord’s Resistance Army. Just in the last two months, the Lord’s Resistance Army has mounted 20 raids in Congo alone.

Here is the Kony 2012 video:

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